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OTS Queen Rearing
2016 Expanded Edition

Donate to I.M.N. Research

Rev. L. L. Langstroth gave the modern beehive to the world.

G. M. Doollittle gave the modern grafting technique to the world.

Dr. C. C. Miller gave the modern, non-grafting, queen-rearing Miller frame to the world.

These three extraordinary men truly are the fathers of modern beekeeping.

I have enhanced the Miller non-grafting technique so that all brood frames in the world can function as modern Miller frames for queen rearing and increase by notching the cell wall below 36-hour-or-younger larvae as documented in my booklet, The I.M.N. System of Queen Rearing. I now refer to this method of queen rearing as "On-The-Spot" Queen Rearing or "OTS" and continue to research and document ways that beekeepers can leverage this discovery for self-sufficiency and colony survival.

If these free disclosures have helped an individual beekeeper, a commercial operation, or any nation's beekeeping industry and you wish to donate to past, present and future research, you can send a check or money order to:

Mel Disselkoen
International Mating Nuc Inc.
P.O. Box 9552
Wyoming, MI 49509

International Mating Nuc Inc does not have tax exempt status so your donation might not be tax deductible

"The art of beekeeping does not require full-strength hives at all times of the year, only during your surplus honey flows..." -Mel Disselkoen

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